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What are 5 unusual but PERFECT spots for an electric fireplace? Come see here!

5 Unusual But PERFECT Spots For an Electric Fireplace

March 21th, 2024


Electric fireplaces have been witnessing a new rise in popularity in recent years for new homes or renovating current spaces. The technology in electric fireplaces have seen drastic improvements over the last 10+ years, thanks to new innovations for flame quality and  presentation. Today's electric fireplaces carry so many customization options with remote controls and smartphone apps that makes them fit in nicely with smart home style products. These user-friendly features not only offer greater convenience but also allow users to customize their heating preferences with depth, and truly make them personal. Want to set them mood one night with dark red flames, and the next with purple? You can do this in a matter of seconds nowadays, and you definitely cannot say the same for gas/wood burning alternatives!

Since a hearth and chimney are not required for installation, electric fireplaces offer a lot of installation flexibility in for possible locations, which makes them really suitable for almost kind of environment, including apartments, condos, and homes without the need for extensive renovations. This versatility has made electric fireplaces a preferred choice for homeowners and renters alike who seek to incorporate the cozy ambiance of a fireplace without the fuss of installing gas lines, cleaning out a chimney, or the regular maintenance required to maintain gas/wood burning options.

Overall, the combination of convenience, technology advancements, style versatility, and eco-friendliness has helped electric fireplaces evolve past the outdated perception and quite frankly, very unattractive design/offerings that older generations of electric fireplaces once offered. With the increasing awareness of climate change and the importance of reducing carbon footprints, the eco-friendly attributes of electric fireplaces have resonated with environmentally-conscious consumers.  

In this guide, we're going to be exploring five unusual yet perfect locations for an electric fireplace. Adding a quality electric fireplace to any of these spaces is sure to give them an all-new sense of character, personality, and will be sure to grab the attention of family and guests that come by.


Workshop Garage

other garage workshop for electric fireplace


A home garage turned into a workshop might seem like an unusual location for an electric fireplace at first glance, but it could actually offer numerous benefits that make it a surprisingly ideal choice. A workshop in a compact garage is often a space where you spend extended periods engaged in various tasks, whether it's woodworking, crafting, or DIY projects. During colder months or in regions with chilly climates, the garage can become uncomfortably cold, particularly in the early morning or late evening. Introducing an electric fireplace into this environment can provide much-needed warmth and comfort, and would allow you to work in a more comfortable and conducive atmosphere. Not to mention, it could help you get in the zone with your product and set a really comfortable working environment for your next project! 

With the ease of installation, an electric fireplace can be conveniently placed against a wall or in a corner without the need for extensive modifications to the existing workshop. Additionally, their user-friendly features, such as remote controls and adjustable settings, ensure effortless operation, would let you get back to focusing on your projects without hassle.

 workshop garage for elecrtric fireplace


  • Provides warmth and comfort during colder months.
  • Enhances the ambiance and aesthetics of the workshop space.
  • Offers easy installation and operation without the need for extensive modifications.
  • Serves as a secondary heat source, allowing for targeted heating without relying solely on bulky heating solutions.


  • Ensure the electric fireplace has a durable construction suitable for workshop environments.
  • Opt for models with adjustable heat settings and integrated fans for efficient heat distribution.
  • Prioritize safety features such as overheating protection and cool-touch glass to minimize the risk of accidents.


Our Garage Workshop Fireplace Recommendations:

Dimplex Sierra Built-in



     cozy bathroom with fireplace

    Introducing an electric fireplace into a bathroom may initially seem unusual. Bathrooms are typically smaller spaces where traditional heating options like radiators or underfloor heating may not provide sufficient warmth or fail to distribute heat evenly. An electric fireplace serves as a supplemental heating source, offering warmth precisely where it's needed most. This can be particularly beneficial during chilly mornings or in colder climates, ensuring that stepping out of the shower or bath is a comfortable experience year-round. but it offers a blend of practicality, luxury, and comfort that can transform the space into a relaxing, cozy, spa-like oasis. The gentle glow of the flames creates a calming ambiance, perfect for unwinding after a long day or starting the morning on a tranquil note.

    Modern Flames Landscape Pro in Modern Bathroom Install


    • Creates a spa-like atmosphere for relaxation and rejuvenation.
    • Provides supplemental warmth in smaller bathroom spaces.
    • Enhances the overall aesthetics and design scheme of the bathroom.
    • Incorporates safety features suitable for bathroom environments.


    • Choose models with water-resistant construction and safety features for use in humid environments.
    • Opt for compact or wall-mounted designs to maximize space efficiency.
    • Ensure the fireplace has customizable flame effects and adjustable heat settings for personalized comfort.


    Our Recommendations:

    Modern Flames Landscape Pro Slim


    Landscape Pro Slim Electric Fireplace Features



    Mobile Home/RV

    rv camper outside at night with star-filled sky

    An electric fireplace can be a fantastic option for a camper or RV. Electric fireplaces can provide efficient heating in compact areas without the need for complex venting or chimney systems, making it easy to install and operate in the confined spaces of a mobile home. Additionally, electric fireplaces offer safety benefits, as they do not produce real flames or emit harmful fumes, making them suitable for use in enclosed environments like campers. They also contribute to energy efficiency and cost savings, allowing travelers to stay warm and cozy without relying on expensive fuel sources. Lastly, electric fireplaces enhance the overall ambiance of the camper, creating a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for occupants to relax and unwind during their travels.

    RV Camper with nice electric fireplace 


    • Provides efficient heating solutions in compact living spaces.
    • Enhances the overall ambiance and appeal of the interior.
    • Offers safety features suitable for mobile environments.
    • Adds aesthetic value and visual interest to the living space.


    • Choose models with compact designs and portable options for easy placement within the mobile home.
    • Prioritize safety features such as cool-touch glass and ventless operation.
    • Opt for energy-efficient models with adjustable heat settings to save on energy costs.


    Our Recommendations:

    Dimplex Multi-Fire Slim



      Home Entryway/Mudroom

      Home entry way mudroom for fireplace

      Introducing an electric fireplace into an entryway or mudroom might seem unusual at first, given the typical function of these spaces as transitional areas in a home. However, several factors make it an unexpected yet perfect location for such an addition. An electric fireplace in a mudroom offers practical benefits beyond pleasing visual aesthetics. In particular, the provided heat from these units can help warm up wet shoes or keeping your shoes and feet warm and ready when leaving the house on those cold, even rainy/snowy days. Not to mention, if you're someone who likes to hosts guests/family for special occasions or dinner parties, what better way to set off the mood by having a nice warm, relaxing, and safe fire greet your guests once they step inside from the cold?

      Modern Black Mudroom Perfect for Electric Fireplace 


      • Creates a welcoming atmosphere for residents and guests.
      • Provides warmth and convenience in high-traffic areas.
      • Enhances the overall aesthetics and design of the entryway or mudroom.
      • Contributes to energy efficiency and cost savings through zone heating.


      • Choose models with compact designs suitable for smaller spaces.
      • Prioritize safety features and consider water-resistant options for use in mudrooms.
      • Opt for electric fireplaces with adjustable heat settings and customizable flame effects for personalized comfort.


      Our Recommendations:

      Modern Flames Spectrum Slimline


      Office Spaces

      office downtown with electric fireplace

      While it may seem out of place in a offce setting, this can actually be a perfect location for an electric fireplace, as they add a touch of sophistication and warmth to the office ambiance. This creates a welcoming atmosphere that can make you and your clients/visitors feel more comfortable during meetings or consultations. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses in industries where creating a cozy and inviting environment is essential, such as real estate, consulting, or hospitality.

      Moreover, an electric fireplace can serve as a focal point in the office design, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the space. It adds visual interest and character, making the workspace feel more polished and inviting. This attention to detail can leave a positive impression on clients and help differentiate the business from competitors.

      From a practical standpoint, electric fireplaces provide supplemental heat, ensuring that the office remains comfortable and conducive to productivity, especially during colder months. Employees can enjoy the warmth and ambiance of the fireplace while working, creating a more pleasant and enjoyable environment.

      modern open office with freestanding electric fireplace


      • Adds sophistication and warmth to the office ambiance.
      • Enhances the overall aesthetics and serves as a focal point in the office design.
      • Provides supplemental heat for increased comfort and productivity.
      • Creates a positive work environment and leaves a lasting impression on clients.


      • Choose models with modern designs suitable for professional environments.
      • Prioritize safety features and quiet operation to minimize distractions.
      • Opt for electric fireplaces with adjustable heat settings and remote control operation for ease of use.

      Our Recommendations:

       Sierra Flame Lynwood

      Sierra Flame Free Stand Series


        Looking for more information on other potential fireplaces for your home or space? Feel free to give us a call! 844-408-4078

        Take Care, and Stay Warm with Favored Flame!

        Next article Modern Flames Orion vs. Redstone Traditional Electric Fireplace 2024 Buyer's Guide