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Modern Flames Orion vs. Redstone Traditional Electric Fireplace 2024 Buyer's Guide

Modern Flames Orion vs. Redstone Traditional Electric Fireplace 2024 Buyer's Guide

February 19th, 2024

Are you considering converting your current wood-burning hearth to an electric option? While the allure of a traditional wood-burning fireplace can evoke cozy vibes, it comes with consistent maintenance, smoke, and safety concerns, especially for households with pets or children.

In a time where there are evolving home design trends, electric fireplaces have become an increasingly sought-after addition to modern living spaces, offering a convenient alternative to costly wood-burning and gas options. With an electric fireplace, bid farewell to ongoing maintenance or the hassle of dealing with a gas line. Say goodbye to lingering smoke odors on your clothes and in your room, all while still enjoying ample warmth.

You can have peace of mind knowing there's no continued maintenance or fuss with a gas line, your clothes and room won't run the risk of smelling like smoke afterwards, and you can still bring a considerable amount of heat to your space!

Modern Flames Redstone Before & After Traditional Hearth Install 

It's now easier than ever for homeowners, business owners, or renters to embrace an efficient, cost-effective, environmentally conscious, and visually stunning fireplace alternative. As the costs of goods fluctuate dramatically, investing in an electric fireplace proves to be a wise decision due to its practicality, versatility, and sustainability.

Nowadays, an electric fireplace even transcends past the traditional hearth, with options like controlling the speed of the flame, even down to the specifics like whether you want the flame to look like a gas, wood-burning option, or why not a mix of both? You can achieve these options and even fine tune what color flame and ember bed color you prefer with modern day electric fireplaces. Blue, green or even purple flames?? The choice is up to you to set the mood!


In this comprehensive guide, we're going to be exploring and comparing two of the most highly acclaimed traditional electric fireplaces on the market: the Modern Flames Orion Traditional, and the Modern Flames Redstone Traditional.

Come find out who is the winner as we deep-dive both of these electric fireplaces in this buyer's guide!


What is a "Traditional" Fireplace?

The term "traditional fireplace" typically conjures images of classic wood-burning hearths found in older homes or rustic settings. Characterized by brick or stone surrounds, these fireplaces often boast a mantel shelf for decorative purposes.

Traditional Fire in the dark in a home
Wood-burning options certainly bring out a particular charm and vibe, oftentimes linked with nostalgia. I can recall as a kid sitting around and feeling mesmerized by a warm fire after ice-skating outside on a cold winter day, however, traditional fireplaces do come with several drawbacks. They require regular maintenance, such as cleaning out ash and soot, as well as chimney inspections and sweeping to prevent creosote buildup and potential fire hazards.

Additionally, traditional wood-burning fireplaces can be inefficient in terms of heating, as much of the heat produced escapes through the chimney rather than warming the room.


    Modern Flames Orion Traditional

    Modern Flames Orion Traditional


    Modern Flames Redstone Traditional

    Modern Flames REDSTONE SERIES Bedroom with Exposed Ceiling Windows


    Exploring the Modern Flames Orion Traditional: 

    Orion Traditional comes available in 26", 30", 36", 42" and 54" sizes

    Modern Flames Orion Traditional Sizes


    Modern Flames Orion Traditional Flame Technology Features:

    Modern Flames Orion Traditional Fireplace Features Sheet

    • Brand new Heliovision Flame Technology
    • 10 Unique Flame Colors with Down Lighting and Ember Bed Lighting
    • Acrylic Crystal Ember Bed
    • Touch Button Controls
    • Can be Installed Beneath a TV
    • Low Energy LED Flame Technology
    • Variable Heat with Thermostat
    • Variable Flame Controls
    • 120 Volt Plug
    • Do it Yourself Installation Instructions
    • Finish Trim Kit Included
    • Ventless
    • Also available in Slim and Multi models 


    Exploring the Modern Flames Redstone Traditional:

     Redstone Traditional comes available in 26", 30", 36", 42" and 54" sizes

    Modern Flames Orion Redstone Flame Technology Features:


    • Hybrid-FXTM Flame Technology
    • Premium Glowing Log Set
    • Flame Speed Control
    • 10 Unique Flame Colors with Down Lighting and Ember Bed Lighting
    • Acrylic Crystal Ember Bed
    • Low Energy LED Flame Technology
    • Touch Button Controls
    • New Sleek Remote
    • Can be Installed Beneath a TV
    • Variable Heat with Thermostat
    • Variable Flame Controls
    • 120 Volt Plug
    • Do it Yourself Installation Instructions
    • Finish Trim Kit Included
    • Ventless


    Differences Between Modern Flames Orion vs Redstone:

    1. Price
    2. Flame Technology & Flame Styles/Colors
    3. Heat 
    4. Audio Capabilities
    5. Warranty


    1. Size & Installation
    2. App & Remote Control

     Orion vs. Redstone - Price

    Price is an upfront noticeable difference between these two popular traditional electric fireplaces. However, this makes quite a lot of sense, as the Redstone has been around for a few years now, and is using an older Hybrid-FXTM flame technology, compared to the brand new Heliovision technology found in the Orion Traditional model, which was released in mid/late 2023.

    Additionally, the Orion does provide more heat and customization options, which makes the higher price tag on the newer model understandable. As we continue to review these models, we'll uncover major differences between them.

    Flame Technology

    The flame technology used is one of the biggest and most noticeable differences found between the Orion and Redstone traditional. The Redstone model was developed and released years ago, and utilizes a Hybrid-FXTM technology, which produces tall, life-like looking flames, and allows the user to turn burning log visual effect on or off, giving your fireplace an even more authentic look and feel. Even after being on the market, the Hybrid-FXTM technology continues to pull the Redstone model ahead in the Traditional electric fireplace space.

    On the other hand, the Orion Traditional features brand-new, unique  Heliovision Flame Technology which is only found in the other Orion models and is exclusive to only Modern Flames fireplaces. The time and attention spent in their in-house quality control really let these products speak for themselves, but the Orion's Heliovision really brings a new level of realism and immersion for the fireplace enjoyer.

    So what exactly sets the Heliovision apart from the competition? To capture the desired visual effect in their Orion models, Modern Flames utilized a real movie studio set to capture all of the flames, so what you are see are real flames moving and dancing as they would in a traditional burning fireplace! Modern Flames really takes every step for quality and detail, and with their experienced in-house team, they are consistently upgrading and producing new technology in their products.

    What's more, is the Heliovision technology is so innovative that it continues to provide the same visual quality regardless of what angle or distance you view the fireplace from! You can choose from varying visual flame types, such as a Hybrid gas, Wood or Gas, modify the color of the emberbed or flame, the flame speed to really dial in what you prefer to see, which is sure to impress any family or guests in your space.


    Flame Styles and Colors:

    Redstone Flame Styles:


    The Modern Flames Orion and Redstone series models do continue to shine on the electric fireplace market with their impressive heating capabilities.

    When comparing between the Orion and Redstone, the Orion traditional does offer more, with a BTU range between 5,000 – 8,300 (depending on unit size). 

    However, the Redstone is very comparable, and offers a heating cap of 5,000 BTU, regardless of model size. For those seeking the most heat, the Orion pulls ahead.

    Audio Capabilities

    Something worth mentioning as well is the Modern Flames Orion models allow for ambient fire crackling audio in the app, for the fireplace enthusiast that enjoys the ambiance of hearing a cracking, live fire, the Modern Flames Orion offers such realism to their product that stands above the competition. The Redstone model unfortunately does not offer this feature.



    The Modern Flames Orion and Redstone warranties do vary from one another, the Orion has a 5 year warranty while the Redstone is valid for 2 years.


    Size & Installation

    The Orion and Redstone both come available in 26", 30", 36", 42" and 54" sizes.

    Something worth mentioning about both of these traditional fireplaces is that they are both ventless units, and their installation options are incredibly smooth and easy. Either can be installed into an existing, zero clearance wood-burning fireplace in your home or space. The Redstone can be recessed into a wall with a 10" depth.

    Another big win about both fireplaces is that they can safely be installed below a tv, if you are looking to level-up your mancave, living room or office, you can do so safely without worrying about heat or fire damages. 

    Remote Controlled & App Functionality

    Both the Orion and Redstone units have the Modern Flames app and remote controls provided that allow further customization of flame presentation, speed, color and ambiance remotely.

    Something very important to mention here is that Modern Flames continues release updates on their app, and since their fireplace is connected via wifi, this allows the customer to continually update their Orion model, and receive new flame patterns, colors and more as updates continue to be released!

    Flame Control & Quality

    Both the Orion and Redstone offer the user to adjust the display of the flame to their liking, including flame speed, and flame color. Modern Flames has had a very reputable reputation for continuing to level-up their flame technology in-house, and they continues to excel in the market with their continued updates for existing models via their app, and new releases such as the Orion Traditional released in late 2023.


    Modern Flames Orion vs. Redstone - In Conclusion

    Ultimately, your choice between these fireplaces revolves around distinct differences in key categories:
    • Price
    • Flame Technology
    • Heat 
    • Audio Capabilities
    • Warranty


    Which Fireplace is the Winner?

     After reviewing both models in depth and analyzing their similarities and differences, the Orion Traditional comes out ahead as the winner when comparing the features and options available. However, the Redstone is an excellent option for someone on a tighter budget, and either option will be an excellent addition to your space and is sure to get the attention and compliments from friends and family.

    We hope that our guide helped inform you of the distinctions between the Modern Flames Orion and Redstone, and aid in your purchasing decision. Share any queries in the comments, and we'll ensure all your questions about these luxury electric fireplaces are addressed!

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    Take Care, and Stay Warm with Favored Flame!

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